지난 여름휴가 때 다녀온 대관령 삼양목장의 풍경. 목장은 크고 넓은데 입구에서 전망대까지는 걸어서 족히 30분은 가야한다. 전망대에 올라가면 맑은날은 동해바다가 보인다고 하는데 이날은 날이 흐려서 목장구경만으로 만족.
2012년 8월, 대관령 삼양목장, 마미야6 + 50mm, NPC160
In the last summer vacation, we visited Samyang Farm at Daegwan-ryung. The farm is huge and wide, so the view observation stand is 30 minutes away from the entrance by walk. In a sunny day, it is said that we can witness east sea at the observation stand. Unfortunately, the day we visited is cloudy. We just enjoyed viewing of the farm itself and walking around over there.
2012 Aug, Daegwan-ryung, Samyang Farm, MAMIYA 6 + 50mm, NPC160
Written by 흐린날엔
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